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Seven Reasons to Add A Blog to Your Website

If you’re a business owner working hard on your business, you may feel like having a website that looks great, offers a positive user experience, and has excellent sales copy is all your business needs to succeed. However, you might likely not get enough business coming your way if you might overlook one essential thing for your website – a blog.

Many business owners think of blogging as something only done by “bloggers” to share their personal stories. But the truth is, blogging has become an essential marketing tool and a top recommendation for new businesses to grow their audience and brand.

Should your business website have a blog?

Here at Agile Development, we recommend that all websites, especially small businesses, and start-ups, to include a blog.
You can structure your blog in many different ways so it contains different types of content, have several mediums (like writing, videos, or photos), or be written by one or more authors. There are several ways to set up and maintain your blog and various strategies that will work for different types of businesses and industries.

A blog can help your website and your business overall in several ways. If you’re still unsure whether maintaining a blog for your website is worth your time and money, here are the top eight reasons why your website could benefit from having a blog.

1. More Opportunities for Your Website to Be Found

More Opportunities for Your Website to Be Found

Business websites typically consist of 5-10 pages. While that could be enough to market your business, it might not be sufficient to entice your potential clients and customers to visit your website in the first place. That is where a blog is crucial.

Each blog post you publish is another page of your website indexed in search engines, which means another chance for your website to be found on the web. If you’re utilizing content marketing strategies and using your blog to provide the answers your target audience is looking for, your blog posts may be displayed in the results pages of search engines, bringing more targeted traffic to your website.

2. Shareable Content on Social Media

There’s a high chance that your ideal customers and clients are already on social media, so you should be there too so they can find you. Besides sharing content you’ve discovered that you believe your audience will find useful and responding to industry-related queries you come across, you should also share your content on social media to attract more visitors to your website.

But if your site only has a few pages focused on selling your business, you can only share that content a few times before it starts getting old. But if you have a blog that regularly publishes useful content, like answering questions, solving problems, and giving great value, you have more to share on social media. Every time your blog post is shared on social media, it increases the potential of growing the number of leads heading to your site.

Besides having something of your own to share on social media, your site visitors also have something to share of yours if they wish. By using social sharing plugins on your website blog, you can make it easy for your visitors to promote your content to their followers no matter what social network your content is best suited to.

3. More Time to Establish Connection with Your Targets

More Time to Establish Connection with Your Targets

Even if your website’s essential pages are perfectly crafted, a visitor might sometimes want more before deciding to become a client, customer, or subscriber. They may want to be sure you know your stuff or have more answers to their questions. Having a regularly updated blog can help you with this. Strategically-placed links in the sidebar, header, or footer of your blog or its popular articles can invite your visitors to stay longer on your site and help them get a better sense of your business and what it offers.

The core pages of your website, like the home, about, and services, should be concise and on point, but your blog should offer more creative freedom for you to express your values, views, and personality to your target audience.

With a blog, you can win over those visitors that aren’t persuaded by your core sales pages.

4. Additional Method of Communication

Each of your blog posts and its accompanying comment forms give your audience another chance to get in touch with you. Some visitors might not have the time to message you through your contact form, or think that their query doesn’t warrant an email or message. However, their question might be suitable in the comment box at the end of the post they’ve just read.

When this happens, you can use the chance to start a discussion by replying to their comment, all the while showing your knowledge, expertise, and willingness to help.

If your blog post sends out reply notifications to your readers who have left comments, it’s another way to bring those one-time visitors back to your website.

If responding to comments take up much of your time, set aside a brief window each week to moderate and respond to comments that give extra information to your commenters and other visitors who may read those posts.

If you are worried about visitors leaving negative feedback on your blog, you don’t need to. You can always use the opportunity to show your customers your willingness to listen and composure when things don’t go your way by responding to negative feedback in a calm and collected manner. You may also op not to approve all comments. Still, you never know. Some customers may even leave words of unsolicited praise and feedback for other visitors to see. Having a visitor connect with you can be invaluable, and blog comments are an excellent way to facilitate this.

5. More Networking Opportunities

More Networking Opportunities

When you share what you are up to on your blog or feature other note-worthy players in your industry, you can initiate some valuable networking opportunities.

You may impress someone with what you’ve been working on, or someone will reach out to thank you for featuring them on your blog. A potential business partner might see that you are both attending the same conference and take the time to seek you out there.

Of course, you don’t have to highlight your direct competitors and risk losing clients. If you have a pet store, you can mention a new dog food brand or a new pet toy line. By doing so, you will be sharing useful information with your audience and laying the foundations for a potential partnership.

6. Create Content-Specific Lead Magnets

The main goal of most websites is to convert each visitor into a customer or client, and that involves finding a way to maintain a connection with them until they are ready to sign on the dotted line. Having a focused email marketing campaign can help you achieve this by getting a visitor onto your email list and regularly sending them valuable content until you win them over.

An effective way to encourage a reader to sign up for your email list is to offer a lead magnet, usually a free incentive they receive upon signing up. However, developing one perfect lead magnet that all your readers will find interesting can be challenging.

But by creating multiple lead magnets paired with specific types of blog content, you can have a more targeted audience who are more likely to sign up. For example, a visitor lands on your post about the benefits of professional grooming for pets. On that page, the newsletter signup form offers a free pet care checklist in exchange for their email address.

Meanwhile, a blog post on common pet diseases offers a free guide on avoiding or treating these diseases.

7. Overall SEO Optimization for Your Website

Overall SEO Optimization for Your Website

Besides having more pages from your site indexed in the search engines, there are more SEO-related benefits of adding a blog to your business website.

The more regularly you publish on your blog, the more frequently your website be visited, and the faster search engines will index your content. This will give your new content a better chance of being found faster by your audience than if your website has been dormant for long periods.

Search engines don’t like sending users to outdated content and abandoned websites. Regularly posting content on your blog is one way to tell search engines like Google that your website is up and working.

One effective way of boosting your content’s search engine rank is to acquire links from other websites that point to yours, and each blog post you publish is another piece of content that another website might want to link to. It’s also a lot easier for a valuable blog post to earn backlinks than core sales pages.

Maintaining a blog can be time-consuming. However, it’s a proven effective way to boost your website and overall business. If you need help with creating and maintaining a blog for your website, you can rely on Agile Development. We can help you produce relevant and high-quality blog content for your website.

If you want to know more about our company or our services, please call us at (385) 685-0642 or send us an email at and let us know how we can be of service to you.