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Your website is to be considered your online storefront, and its main goal is to gain visitors and turn them into prospective customers. But what if your website isn’t getting visitors? How can you send traffic into it? Well, now is the time to up your game. Website traffic determines how many users visit your website. Higher website traffic equates to higher opportunities to convert visitors into customers. Make your website alive, help both end-users, and get sales to roll in through these 17 useful tips in increasing website traffic.

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1. Improve Your On-Page SEO

Learning the perfect SEO for your content can make your traffic skyrocket. Having the right optimization of your target keywords to your website content can improve your on-page SEO. You can put keywords in the headlines, image file names, and your meta description and rewrite your URL’s slugs to be as SEO-friendly as possible.

2. Make a Good Guest Post

A guest post is an article written and published on someone’s website, therefore, creating a backlink. A backlink is an excellent way to boost your website traffic as this can lead viewers to your website. A guest post also strengthens your backlink profile, which Google considers as one of their ranking factors, and it also shows that your content is getting recognition by other users.

The guest post can also reach out to people in your niche, targeting your intended audience. However, this usually involves an exchange between two websites, and some have their own guest post submission guidelines.

3. Natural Link Building

Natural link building happens when people or other websites link your content on their posts. Wherein, this will only be possible by creating worthy content that people would want to share. If you think your content is of value and is in for the competition, then up your game with media. Use captivating images, add a video to your content, infographics, or a GIF. These elements will ultimately get your website up because these make the post more share-worthy on different platforms. People might even use it for reference.

4. Add Links to Your Content Internally

When you have a newly written article to post, interlink it to your other existing posts to improve your internal link structure and your website’s user experience. Linking your content will also make your readers stay longer on your website, getting much information they need instead of leaving your site for another.

5. Create New Content Regularly

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If you have a great deal of content, then the bigger the probability for your website to rank on numerous search results. And when you have established your presence on the web, your readers can anticipate new content at a particular time. Design and implement a content strategy, and if you think you can’t write articles on a regular basis, hire a content writer. Check out Agile Development. We can provide regular content for your website.

6. Update Your Website’s Content

Search engine results like fresh and new content, keep your content updated, and upgrade your website’s interface. Look at your analytics and see the pages that have decreasing traffic. Then, refresh, improve, and republish your content, bringing them back on the top spot.

7. Share Extra Goodies

Give your target audience another reason to visit your site by giving out something for free, be it a voucher or a gift if they bought your products at a specific quantity. The free goodies can also depend on the products you offer or something relating to the industry you belong to.

8. Brand Partnership

Partnering with other brands and personalities can find you new audiences. Your partner doesn’t need to be in the same niche as you. In this way, you can cover a broader market for your website. Partnering with big influencers can be a big game-changer but also costs a significant investment, so check out micro-influencers too. You can research individuals who match your market and whose brand aligns with yours. Do mutual promotions and shared projects with them.

9. Social Media Involvement

Social media is one of the top ways to build your online presence. Drive traffic to your site through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, and other social media platforms used by people that might be interested in your content. Social media shares can introduce backlinks which can be powerful, resulting in increasing website traffic.

Use hashtags and long-tail keywords to promote your brand, especially on Instagram. Survey shows that Instagram is where individuals engage the most with brands. So, post quality images, write a catching, call-to-action caption, partner with Instagram influencers, engage with your followers, and include few hashtags in your posts for you to appear in the hashtag feeds.

10. Appear on Podcasts

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Podcasts are getting in the limelight right now, so it is the perfect time to invest in these things. With the rise of its popularity, it’s a great way to increase brand awareness that may indeed lead to website traffic. Plus, it also covers a wide variety of crowds. You may start your podcast and talk about your community’s various issues or interview big names and personalities as well as share additional knowledge with your listeners. You may also consider appearing as a guest in one.

11. Use Retargeting

Most of your website’s visitors will come back to your site a couple of times before availing of your product or service, but usually, they will access your site once and never again. You can make your potential consumers revisit your site through retargeting ads. Retargeting brings them back through an ad placed for the product or service they opened. It is a Javascript code, a cookie-based technology that follows your customers and causes them to go back to your website, increasing your chances for a conversion.

12. Engage in Quora

Quora is a popular online community forum where people engage with each other through discussion, answering questions about any topics. It’s a great platform to establish a community, build relationships and develop people’s trust. You can also learn about people’s opinions regarding your industry and business. Answer questions related to your industry, but don’t be on point trying to sell, promote your business, or even post links to your website. Instead, be relevant and helpful. In time, you will build your brand and would increase brand recognition.

13. Promote Offline

Promoting offline may be costly but is undoubtedly useful. Sponsor events, webinars, and advertise at conferences to boost your website exposure and build business authority. Ensure that your target audience attends the occasion and that the event fits your brand persona. Expose your logo to media, and boost your chances.

14. Develop your website as mobile-friendly

Make sure that your website interface is optimized and equally efficient when viewed on both desktop and mobile devices. People often use their hand-held devices in accessing the web. So if your website isn’t responsive on such devices, it is likely that traffic will never be on your website. Guarantee that your website also looks good on mobile devices.

15. Speed Up Your Website

Research shows that people are likely unwilling to wait for a site to load after more than 3 seconds. If your website responds longer than that, you might be losing a significant number of website traffic. Increase your user experience by developing a fast website.

16. Study Your Competitor’s Strategies

Different types of businesses may need various marketing strategies. What may work for a service provider may not work for a product business. So, benchmark on the same industry as yours and learn from their approach. Research on their content strategy, keywords, partnerships, and anything that seems significant to you.

17. Determine Your Best Traffic Source and Scale

Keep an eye on your statistics and analytics. The result will explain where most of your traffic comes from and the least performing strategy you have done. Once you have your stats, you can double up your investment in those strategies that help you achieve higher website traffic, and eliminate or lessen investment in methods that don’t affect your ratings.

If you want to increase traffic on your website and change your game plans, Agile Development could help. We have helped numerous businesses with web design, web development, and SEO. Any involvement and improvement of these will certainly increase your website traffic.

If you are interested, give us a call now at (385) 685-0642 or send us a message at for any queries. And feel free to request a free quote now at our website. We hope to work with you soon.