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A Content Creation Guide to Quality Website Content

Writing content for the web can be a challenging job. There are plenty of factors that you must consider if you want your content to succeed in promoting your business online. Agile Development offers content marketing and SEO services to improve your presence online. Here is everything that you need to know about the content creation process and how it results in quality site content.

Understand Your Audience

Before you start writing an article or blog for a website, you have to make sure that you know your target audience. Your content will be tailored to their preferences in terms of tone, style, and actual content, so you have to know exactly what they expect from your site’s content. Everything from their demographics to location should be considered, so plan for this accordingly.

Know the Reason Why You are Writing the Content 

What is the reason why you are writing this article? Is your goal to disseminate information, to influence your audience to sign up to your company’s newsletter, to urge them to buy your products, to hire your company for your services, or to entice them to subscribe to a membership? Your answer to the question will help you decide what to write for your audience. 

Write a Persuasive Headline

For example, if you have 100 visitors to your website, the estimated number of people that will read the headline only will be around 80, while the rest may read the whole article. So you have to think about how you will create a headline that will catch everyone’s attention. A well-thought-of headline will provide specific information and will not give too much detail so it will hook in your target audience and also not give away all the details so as to entice readers to continue reading.  

The headline must be approximately 65 characters as it is the most desirable length according to experts. Headlines usually contain instructional phrases such as “why you should” and “you need to know”. You will find that these are some of the most commonly used phrases on social media. 

People always go online because they want to read content that will provide them with information that will help them, such as, “how to improve your writing skills” or looking up “the best materials to use when creating content.” 

You must remember that a clear and well-planned headline can generate four times the interest than a poorly made one. You must write it in the present tense and must not be longer than seven words. 

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Catch Your Readers’ Attention With a Fascinating Introduction

The content’s header has attracted your reader’s attention, and they chose to click on your article, so what is the next step? You must influence them to continue reading the content. It can be a tricky situation as most readers will only view the page for a few seconds to see if there is anything that will be useful to them. Make sure to write an introduction that will grab their attention so they will stick around and read the whole article. 

If you want to keep your readers reading your content, you have to give them to stick around for within the first few paragraphs of the article. For example, if you are reading a specific article like “how to write an article for the web” The introduction must include the need for learning how to write an article and it will be explained properly so that your readers can find the solution to their problem. 

Use the Right Words

When writing content, you have to remember to use the right words as it can either hold their attention or turn them off. Words that people like include the following: ambition, imagination, progress, and thoughtful, while words that may turn them off are dispute, extravagant, failure, and weak. 

You can use contractions like ‘you’re’ instead of you are and ‘don’t’ instead of do not; this will make your content less formal and take on a more conversational tone that will allow your audience to relate with you. This is the tone of voice and style that most writers use in their content to connect with their readers online. 

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Create Content for Your Audience

A clever and calculated introduction for your content can help catch and hold your readers’ attention for a long time, but you should know that you need to create content with your target audience in mind. Aim to write for a specific subset of people and should not be generalized. For example, there is a huge difference between articles about “writing great content” versus “writing great”. 

Since you will be searching for tips that will help with writing content, there is a huge possibility that you are working in the marketing industry or you are writing marketing-associated content. Always remember that if you will write your content based on a large audience, there is a possibility that you will fail to hit the mark or to achieve your goal.  

Be Specific When Making Your Content 

When writing content, you should be focusing on a single clear idea from start to finish. When you follow this approach, it can help you create logical arguments, come up with content that will flow naturally, and provide information to your readers with clear outcomes. 

You must keep your focus as narrow as possible. When writing, you should remember to avoid broad topics as there is a possibility that you will not reach your intended audience. Contrary to popular belief, you should avoid creating content for everyone. Narrowing your topic will be easier to achieve and will help you create content that has real value and is relevant to your target audience. 

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Engage Your Audience

When writing content, make sure that you engage your readers right away so that they will avoid leaving and will stay longer, which is your goal in the first place. You must aim to create engaging content for your target audience. This can be done by using the language your target audience will easily understand, digest, and appreciate. If you make things too simple or too complicated, this can be less effective and can prevent you from effectively engaging your target audience. 

Use Hyperlinks on Your Content 

When writing content for a website, use hyperlinks as they usually stand out and catch the attention of your readers. You must ensure that you are using relevant hyperlinks that are relevant to your audience so that they can carry out an action after reading your content. If you will write content, you can use click here and add important words, such as, “click this link if you want to subscribe to our newsletter”. This way will let the reader know where they will be led to. 

Create Content With the Right Length

You must write content with short sentences. If they are too long, you may lose your reader’s interest. Write sentences that contain around 15-20 words to hold the readers’ attention and paragraphs should not be more than five lines. There should also be no more than 3 sentences per paragraph. When creating content, make use of sub-sections, sub-headings, and lists if appropriate. If you will be using lists on your content, you must put a maximum of 6 items per list. 

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What are the Things to Avoid When Creating Content for Your Website?

Avoid Using Acronyms 

When writing content, you should avoid using acronyms. It will be neglectful to assume that your readers will understand the meaning of the acronyms that you will use. This can be linked to knowing your target audience and their needs. This rule also applies to using jargon, you must avoid them at all costs. Keep things simple so that you can avoid any irrelevant problems. 

Avoid Too Many Punctuation Marks

When writing content, punctuation marks can be hard to discern on certain screens. For example, if your reader is using his mobile phone that has a small screen, it can be hard for them to take in too much punctuation. Stick to the basics when writing for the web. You can use commas or write shorter sentences instead of using semi-colons. 

After you have written content you must proofread and check for any grammar errors and mistakes that you may have made along the way. You must edit your content to avoid your readers from spotting those errors that can affect and distract their attention after you have made a connection with them by using a well-planned header, properly written introduction, and concise body. 

If you need help creating content for your website, you must choose a reliable company like Agile Development to create concise and consistent content that will catch your target audience’s attention. If you want to know more about our work you can click this link to view our portfolio. If you want to upgrade your website or get a new site, please click this link

You can get a free quote and site analysis with us, so please let us know what you need so we can provide your website needs accordingly. Please visit this link for monthly work requests or other work requests. We have more than 12 years of experience in the industry and have been working with clients in a wide range of industries with different website needs. We can provide you with web design, web development, and SEO optimization. If you want to hire us for our services, please contact us by calling (385) 685-0642 or send an email at What are you waiting for? Contact us today! We will be glad to assist you with your website needs!

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Illustration of five people building a website with one person on a laptop two working on a large computer screen one arranging blocks and another using a ladder A large keyboard and stationery are visible as they integrate an email capture form into the design

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